Secure and maintain the support of administrators. This is essential for implementing and sustaining a corrdinated and systematic approach to school health.
Bring school and community members together to create a School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) that guides wellness policy programming.
Identify a full or part-time team member to be a school health coordinator who organized team efforts.
Identify health risk behaviors that contribute to the leading causes of death and disability among youth, as well as adults. Prioritize behaviors that need to be addressed in your school.
Use a program planning process to achieve health promotion goals. Involve all stakeholders in the school's improvement plan to link health with learning outcomes.
Use diverse school health strategies to achieve your goals. Methods include classroom instruction, policies and procedures, environmental change, health, counseling and nutrition services, parent and community involvement, and social support.
Give students the change to exercise leadership, build skills and relationships, and contribute to their school and community while meeting the education and health needs of the school.
Promote professional development opportunities to learn about and use proven practices, solve problems, develop and practice skills, and reflect on wellness strategies.