Local School Wellness Policy
What is a Local School Wellness Policy?
A local school wellness policy (LWP) is a written document that guides a local educational agency or school district's efforts to establish a school environment that promotes students' health, well-being, and ability to learn.
Key Elements of a Local School Wellness Policy
Best practices and things to think about for your school LWP.

Who should be on a School Health Advisory Committee?
Who are the key stakeholders in the community and school?

What will the Committee do?
How can school health advisory councils help schools?

What goals will the LWP set?
Examples below.

What will your school do?
Examples below.
Examples of Local School Wellness Policy Goals

Nutrition Education

Nutrition Promotion

Physical Activity

School-based activities that promote student wellness

Compliance with Federal Regulations for...

Guidelines for food and beverage consumption and marketing
Things your School might do

Nutrition Education
Will your district provide nutrition education for each grade level?
Will your district link nutrition education with the school food environment?
Will your school engage families to provide information and/or solicit input to meet district wellness goals?

Physical Education and Physical Activity

Activities to Promote Student Wellness
Will your district use marketing to promote healthy choices?
Will your school establish a school health advisory council to address health and wellness that is ongoing, beyond policy development?

Nutrition Promotion
Will your district address standards for meals beyond the USDA food program, including beverages served with meals?
Will your school use strategies to increase participation in school meal programs?

Nutrition Guidelines for all Foods on Campus
Will your school regulate vending machines?
Will your school regulate food service a la carte OR food sold as an alternative to the reimbursable school meal program?
Will your school regulate food served at class parties and other school celebrations?
Will your school address food not being used as a reward?